Azienda Agricola Manuelina

“Unspoken love is like wine kept in the bottle: it does not quench the thirst.” George Herbert (1593-1633).

The Manuelina Farm is located in the municipality of Santa Maria della Versa, in the heart ofOltrepò Pavese. Its history began in the first half of the 1900s, when Luigi Achilli and his brother Guido decided not to limit themselves to production for personal consumption or that of a few affectionate friends and customers.
Thus was born the Achilli Luigi Farm. Success comes early, and many families come on Saturdays and Sundays from the city to buy wine, especially bulk wine, directly from the winery.
Since then the winery has come a long way, made up of dedication and patient selection of grapes for quality wine production. A great passion that Luigi Achilli passed on to his sons Paolo and Antonio, who have contributed-according to their respective inclinations, but with unity of purpose-to transform the company into the reality it is today.
The name change to Manuelina Farm is today’s history. To distinguish our winery from the many wineries under the Achilli name in the municipality of Santa Maria della Versa, we registered a simple name related to the family (Manuela is the name of one of Paolo’s daughters). Today, Azienda Agricola Manuelina has 22 hectares of its own vineyards, and produces, vinifies and bottles directly on the farm, striving to the best of its ability to make a quality product that always satisfies customers.