Cascina Pugnane

The Azienda Agricola Cascina Pugnane dei f.lli Ghisolfi is situated on a hill at the intersection of the municipalities of Barolo, Monforte and Castiglione Falletto, in the center of the Barolo area on the Pugnane hill area “CRU” detected as such by the typical toponymic maps from the very famous nomenclature of Mr. Ratti of the Abbey of the Annunziata.

It consists of 6 hectares of land of which about 5.5 hectares are dedicated to the production of nebbiolo wine from barolo and dolcetto doc and the remaining 0.5 to the side aspects of the farm (building, winery, fruit, etc…). The annual potential exceeds 370 quintals of grapes produced. The farm is basically single-production: Barolo CRU Bussia and CRU Pugnane, smaller quantities of Dolcetto D’Aba DOC and pond, green areas and fruit in areas where the vines would not have had adequate development and ripening. However, production is followed so as to keep bottled wine production quotas greatly reduced and focused on theessence and quality of the final product. Therefore it is currently focused on the final production and marketing of only 5,000 bottles per year of Barolo DOCG and a quota of about 4,000 bottles of Dolcetto.
In 2005, under the leadership of brothers Ivo and Enzo, the first renovations of their grandfather’s old cellar began. The structure where the stable and woodshed were located is totally demolished.
The woodshed that formerly served as a dunghill serving the barn is now a turret overlooking the Langhe hills. For the construction of the new underground aging cellar, much of the hillside land , hazel groves and adjacent vineyards were moved temporarily. At the same time, the connecting tunnel between the new and old cellars is created. The first phase of restructuring will last until 2008. In 2010, work continued with interior finishing. Currently planned are rooms that will be ready to accommodate guests who would like to have a unique experience of staying among the vineyards. Also recently finished was the work on the forecourt that terraces the Pugnane hill, becoming an ideal place for organizing tasting events of the winery’s products.