Situated among the enchanting hills of Treiso, in the heart of the Langhe, Cascina Alberta represents an authentic jewel of the Piedmont region. Surrounded by breathtaking scenery, the estate covers 19 hectares of land, 9 of which are dedicated to the cultivation of nebbiolo, barbera and riesling vines, giving the farmhouse a unique and evocative atmosphere.
Restored historic buildings house the winery’s cellars, where its signature fine wines come to life each year. But Cascina Alberta is not just a place of wine production: next to the production part, there are also 7 elegant and refined suites, renovated in keeping with tradition but with a modern touch, offering guests an unforgettable stay experience among the Langhe hills.
The company’s history is marked by an unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability and land development. Since 2012, Cascina Alberta has embraced the practice of organic farming, eliminating the use of pesticides and adopting sustainable agricultural practices. In 2019, the winery obtained organic certification from Valoritalia, confirming its commitment to producing high-quality wines while respecting the environment.
Through a path of continuous innovation and search for quality, Cascina Alberta is confirmed as a landmark in the Langhe wine scene, offering its guests authentic and unforgettable experiences in a unique and evocative setting.